Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life's A Garden, Dig It!

Upon ponderization of this phrase I realized that through the ages many a man has coined some phrase which is for them, motivational. When one looks forward at the paths they may choose to travel one must have some sort of guide, a North Star. In the journey of life we often choose something which we believe defines us. We feel inspired to by the words of another or perhaps by some personal adage. Were we to each share these messages in our interactions with one another we may not be so wary of one another. As it is, we oft times turn aside when we chance to meet a stranger in the road. We turn our gaze elsewhere and keep on trudging, lost in the toils of our own day. Yet some of our greatest and most beloved tales are of the motivating individual you reaches out to others and inspires them. Dead Poets Society, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Jesus Christ, and Robin Hood just to name a few. There have also been those in our history who have misused this amazing gift, such a Adolph Hitler and other such genocide driven leaders in Africa. What I wonder is how are these men able to harness this gift and what makes them different from you or I? We do we not live up to the potential which exists within each of us? We do we seem to lose our motivation right at the pinnacle of achievement? Or why do we use that drive to get us the fleeting treasure? We seem to be accepting mediocrity in our own lives while vicariously trying to live the lives of others. Why is it that we cannot seem to achieve those dreams which mean so much? Are we afraid of the work which paves the path to the achievement of the dream? Or is it just that we are so unsure that we hesitate to take the step until the moment is gone? Are we to become another 'has-been' dreamer who looks back and tells the tales of all that might have been? Gandhi could have lived his life quietly. What made him into a motivational and peace-seeking man? What made it possible for Hitler to achieve his dasterdly deeds?
Fear? Perhaps we are ruled by the very thing which we abhor. We are afraid that perhaps one day we may actually not achieve that goal. So we sit by and imagine to ourselves all the things which could go wrong. Or maybe we just continue to plan our great achievement and never actually act upon it. The very scheme which could allow us to live our lives sitting in our laps until we realize that the day has passed. I wonder how many of us live half lives in order to avoid failing. I wonder if it is because we think that we still have time to do it, after all we are only twenty or forty or sixty and life has been alright so far. But maybe it could have been everything you wanted and more. I suppose it is your priorities, your dreams, your past. We all must choose for ourselves, but once you chance to look at the open road and see the opportunities how can you settle for looking back and seeing all the closed doors that never once you chanced to open?

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