My son, Tiernen, has now reached the precarious fence post of tyke-hood where one must begin to learn the functions of their body. At this point his most developed and beloved hobby is eating, this being the case it only follows that his other past time must be the manufacturing of 'meadow muffins.' These said 'muffins' require much effort. The compilation of gases which accompany the accumulation of the 'meadow muffins' are astronomically unfathomable to him and cause him great discomfort. Generally, he is a very happy lil' guy, but once he starts to 'break wind' his face quickly changes color, his eyebrows furrow in consternation, and he lets out a barbaric yawp like none other! This, to him, is not a simple laughing matter it takes complete concentration! When one considers this in the context of our societal norms, one must ask if this habitual "tadoo" over flatulence, is breaking the societal rules, which surround flatulence. Upon closer examination one finds that the old adage "there is a time and a place for everything" is perhaps, in this case, correct. Society strangely seems to accept the flatulence of the young as something cute. When a baby tightens up for the push we adults applaud their effort. This is somewhat strange considering that in a few years time we will begin a new campaign. This new campaign will be one of silencing the flatulation. This would seem to many to be a somewhat oxymoronical parenting practice. However one must ask one's self if perhaps this is one of those customs which is a custom just for the sake of time. By this I mean that maybe this silent flatulant habit is a practice which is still continued today merely because it was started so long ago that now it is a tradition. How many more mannerisms have been smothered like the manufacturing of meadow muffins?
However, most people would find it perplexing to be interrupted whilst they are talking. In this same way it is somewhat irksome to have your personal space befouled by another. It is on this premise that I base my main point, why should one care if a noise is made? Were the noise to be squelched the stench would still permeate the environment. And so I must ask, does it truly matter if one is silent or not when they are manufacturing meadow muffins?
one week and one month photos
12 years ago